B-man and his very proud Mom

B-man and his very proud Mom

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Finally On The Mend

B-man has a diagnosis! He had been experiencing severe feeding problems and appeared depressed for months now. I have suspected that he was depressed due to aging out of school but without verbal skills, he is unable to express his feelings. A few weeks ago I made an appointment with this gastrointerologist and had some tests done. They came back positive for H. Pylori, the bacteria that is most responsible for intestinal ulcers. Poor guy, the doctor suspects that he has been in pain, thus the shutting down of emotions to deal. The treatment is nearly as bad as the condition. A combination of four different medications given four times a day for ten days. That is a lot of drugs on top of his already impressive array of medications.

Things went smoothly until the last four days of treatment when the antibiotic effects finally appeared. We were knee deep in poop for nearly a week! I don't mean to be graphic but he was also on Pepto Bismol and if you have ever taken it, you know the effect it has on stool color. This stuff was like cleaning up and OPEC misshap! Life with B-man is messy. We deal with it and laugh later. Okay, there have been several occasions when we dissolved into laughter while in the midst of cleanup but that was only to keep from crying. Once, when B-man had been in the hospital and on IV antibiotics for several days, poor Buddy happened to be on the receiving end of an explosion of epic proportion. When the eruption finally stopped there was poop on the wall, the ceiling, the floor, the chair nearby and when Buddy looked up at me...there, on his forehead, was a huge glop of poop! Yes, that was a hysterical moment that will never be forgotten.

I am happy to report that since completing his treatment, B-man is now voluntarily eating and finishes about 75% of all of his meals. He is also tolerating the supplemental formula better and has actually gained a couple of pounds. But the best thing is that he got his happiness back. He is, once again, the happy and smiling little man that I love so much. It is so good to see that precious smile! I have missed it. Yes, as those of you who know me can guess, I have beaten myself up over the fact that he was sick so long and I didn't figure out what was wrong. But I have decided that I can't know everything. (Although I feel like I should!)

Life in our household has, once again, been restored to a temporary state of wellness. For now, Life is good!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm so glad that you figured out what was wrong. Sorry about all the poop. And don't beat yourself up. Megan's had sinus infections and ear infections that we never knew about - until she developed pneumonia, and her eardrum ruptured. It's so hard with a child that can't tell you what they're feeling.

    I'm happy that B-man is smiling again!!
