B-man and his very proud Mom

B-man and his very proud Mom

Monday, May 10, 2010

Learning To Delegate

That is a term we often use in nursing, to delegate, but I seldom use it in my home life. I prefer to do things myself. That way, I know they are done correctly. Cocky? Probably, but true. Recently, with the wrist injury I suddenly experienced, I have had to use the term at home now as well.

Admittedly, my wonderful hubby, who can care for B-man with as much expertise as myself, usually must face my judgemental glares and disapproving sharp tongued quip of, "That's not how I do it". This time however, I am holding back on the criticism and allowing him to do it his way. Beggers can't be choosers, right? So what if B-man still has some straggly little beard hairs left on his chin because dad isn't as meticulous about shaving as I am. I try to ignore them. The diaper cream tube is squished in the middle? Still not a peep from me. B-man's fingernails have gone without a good cleaning and trim for several weeks now but because I cannot physically do it with my wrist, I keep mum. I began noticing little ants scurrying around near the medication bottles the other day and on closer inspection, I realized that the bottles had not been wiped down. Those little ants were probably on a drug crazed sugar high as a result. Okay, yes, that really bugged me (pardon the pun) but I am still keeping quiet. Buddy is a sweetheart of a man and an incredible father and grandfather. The fact that he helps out is wonderful and I am blessed to have his help.

No, delegating is not always easy. I hired a maid the other day. I had one when we lived in our hometown and she was magnificent. But since we have lived in our current city, I have chosen to not hire one. Quite frankly, I was afraid that she would not clean my house to my expectations and I would have to not only pay her but then re-clean it myself. I did a little investigating prior to the hiring and I think it was well worth the time. I have two different neighbors with maids. I asked them about their respective maid and then watched their driveways to see when they were getting their home cleaned. I then made a little impromtu visit to each of their homes shortly after the cleaning occurred. I looked closely at each of the home to decide which maid did the better job. One of them was by far the cleaner home so, that was the maid I chose. I am happy to say that she did not disappoint. I do feel a bit lazy as I lounge on the couch reading while she whizzes about dusting this and cleaning that. However, I keep reminding myself that I am doing it to give my wrist time to heal. At this rate is may never heal! Hmm, maybe delegating isn't such a bad thing after all!

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