B-man and his very proud Mom

B-man and his very proud Mom

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Trip Of A Lifetime

If you are the parent of a child with special needs then you most likely have heard the poem "Welcome to Holland". It uses the analogy of being on a flight to a particular destination then, upon arrival, finding out you landed in a foreign country where you know no one and don't speak the language. Well, being the parent of a child with special needs is exactly like that.

Twenty four years ago, I was traveling along in life, enjoying the ride, thinking it was quite a lovely trip. Then one day without warning, my itenerary changed without prior notification. My destination was no longer where I wanted to go. "I didn't sign up for this", I protested. I felt like my complaints fell on deaf ears. "HELLO? Are you hearing me? This is NOT where I am supposed to be!" Still nothing. Then, I asked the million dollar question..."Why?"

Most of the time I love Holland. My favorite thing is the smiles. They are big, warm and unconditional. But I don't always like Holland. I especially dislike the pain and illness. Often there is a lot of those two things here. However, now that I am here, I never want to leave. Oh, I still dream of that other destination I had in mind so many years ago but leaving Holland would mean that I would have to do so without my sweet little B-man. Holland is his home, he knows nothing else...yet. I realize that one day we both must leave Holland and go our separate ways. It is not something I like to think about but I know it is there. We have been in Holland far longer than anyone predicted and for that, I am ever grateful.

My question has never been answered. I have learned to be amused by sudden changes in plans instead of annoyed. I have met people that I would have never gotten the chance to meet. I have been directed in a career path that I would have never pursued without this experience. But most of all I have learned to stop asking "Why" and instead to say "Thank You".

Yes, it was a shock to wake up in such a foreign country but it has become a most incredible journey filled with more love that I ever thought possible.



  1. I hope you can also see the blessing you are to others just through your life, and B-man's life. You two have touched so many others in ways, that never would have happened otherwise - mine included. I am forever thankful for you and your trip to Holland. If for no other reason than the fact that we aren't alone there.

  2. Thank you Jessi. That was sweet of you to say.
