B-man and his very proud Mom

B-man and his very proud Mom

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Sometimes the nights can be long and seemingly endless. When sleep does come it will often bring sweet little pleasures such as dreaming of my precious B-man. I love when this happens. Once, I could even smell his fuzzy head. Yes, I am aware that I did not actually smell him but my senses memory did. I believe we are allowed small visits like this to make the loss a little bit more bearable. Being his mother was my most important job and I was fired all too soon. Often, when I lie awake in bed at night surrounded by the darkness, I allow myself the luxury of a good cry. My bed is my safe zone. A place where I am able to allow all of those raw emotions to roam freely for a while before reigning them in again for the daytime. I think his memory comes to me more in the night because I spent so many sleepless nights caring for his many medical needs alone in the dark. He and I had a long history of hanging out together watching infomercials or Nick At Night reruns while the nebulizer hummed in the background or feedings drip, drip, dripped. I would not take anything for those lost zzz's. Now my nights are deafeningly quiet and all I'm left with is the sound of my own heartbeat. A constant reminder that it is not normal to outlive your child. Yet, here I am. I address this in my spin-off blog and explain how this is a new beginning for my husband and I. Each night I lie down, my prayers are for a small glimpse of what my life used to be. It really is true, you never know what you have until it's gone.....